September 13, 2024


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What Ranthambore taught me: Patience brings you the most beautiful experiences in life

The Ranthambore National Park safari turned out to be a truly memorable birthday getaway. A top tourist attraction in the Indian state of Rajasthan, Ranthambore is spread out over an area of 1,334 sq kilometres

By Apoorva Verma

JAIPUR: For my birthday this year, my parents surprised me with a spontaneous trip to Ranthambore—a place we’ve visited many times. Initially, I wasn’t overly excited, but the idea of a short getaway with my parents was the perfect way to celebrate.

We left Jaipur early in the morning, discussing the number of safaris we should take—morning, evening, both—decisions, decisions! Despite a lengthy debate during the 2.5-hour drive, we still hadn’t made up our minds.

When we finally arrived at our resort, lunch was the first thing on our agenda. And oh my, the food was so good that we completely lost track of time. Before we knew it, the booking window for the safari had closed. Oops! A bit disappointed, we decided to check out our suite instead and let me tell you, it was a pleasant surprise. Think luxurious jungle-themed interiors and a spacious bathroom. We were impressed!

Determined to make the most of the day, we chose to go on a crocodile safari at the Crocodile Sanctuary on the Chambal River at Palighat. The safari was scheduled from 5-7 pm, and though we were cutting it close, we couldn’t resist a quick tea break before setting off.

Crocodile safari at the Crocodile Sanctuary on the Chambal River at Palighat is a key attraction for visitors at Ranthambore. (Picture by Apoorva Verma)

We arrived just in time and our boat was ready and waiting, which we shared with another family. The ride was pure serenity. The calm of the river, the sight of alligators and even baby crocs—it was so soothing.

The family with us was so full of life, especially the youngest child who kept his granddad busy with endless questions. It just made me realize how much we’ve grown up; seeing them enjoy the moment brought a big smile to my face.

My dad kept the mood light with his jokes throughout the ride.

As we made our way back to the resort, the skies opened up and it started pouring heavily. The drive was magical—imagine a lush green jungle on both sides, rain falling softly and just the beauty of nature all around. We couldn’t resist stopping at a small roadside stall for some piping hot mirchi pakoras, and let me tell you, they were the best I’ve ever had!

Being my birthday, we followed our family tradition of dressing up and heading out for a special dinner. My mother bombarded me with hugs and love throughout the night. The food was amazing, and after a hearty meal, we called it a night eager for the early morning safari.

The next morning was an early start—4:30 am to be precise—for our 5 am safari.

The jungle bathed in the soft glow of the morning sun, and we were all excited. Half an hour in, we got word that the jeep ahead of us had spotted a tigress with her cubs! But by the time we reached, they had vanished into the thick foliage. We waited for what felt like forever, but no luck. The rain had made the paths slippery, and the jeeps were struggling, so we had to cut our ride short.

As they made their way back to the resort, the skies opened up and it started pouring heavily. The drive was magical—a lush green jungle on both sides, rain falling softly and just the beauty of nature all around. (Picture courtesy Apoorva Verma) 

Back at the resort, we heard a lady mention she had seen a tigress the previous evening in Zone 1. I made up my mind right then—we were going back for an evening safari in that very zone. We spent the rest of the morning lounging by the pool, enjoying the calm and clarity that the water brought, which was the perfect way to unwind.

Come 4 pm, we were back on the safari trail. Just as we set off, it began to rain again, casting a magical spell over the jungle. The jungle looked breathtaking in the rain, the bright green foliage sparkling with raindrops.

Thirty minutes in, we spotted her—the beautiful tigress Noori. She was lying there, relaxed and full after a meal, just soaking in the rain. We had to practically beg the other jeeps to move so we could get a clear view, and when we did, it was worth every second. We watched her for the next hour and a half, waiting for her to get up. And finally, just as most of the jeeps gave up and left, she stood up and made her way to a stream for a drink. It was just us and one other jeep left, witnessing this incredible moment.

That day, I learned a few things: determination, belief, and patience can truly bring you the most beautiful experiences in life.

As we returned home, the peace and beauty of the jungle lingered in my mind. And my ever-enthusiastic dad? Well, he’s already planning our next adventure to Meghalaya. Will it happen? Only time will tell! But until then, let’s all remember the importance of protecting these majestic creatures and their habitats!

Hope you enjoyed coming along on this little birthday adventure with me! Until next time, take care and keep exploring!

Apoorva Verma is a Jaipur-based journalist and Communication professional. She can be reached at

The main picture (top) of a tiger sighting in Ranthambore has been sourced from Wikipedia